Year-end Journaling Prompts for Visionary Women

December is the perfect time to spend time reflecting on your vision and your life.

Use the first set of journaling prompts if you feel like your vision has been unfolding in 2022. Use the second set of questions if you don’t have a vision right now, or if you’re feeling stuck with your vision.

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Tamara HerlComment
Be The Light

Someone recently told me they find it hard to stay Anchored in their Spirituality when a person they love dearly has lost their Spiritual connection.

Can you relate?

Years ago, when I was working with a labyrinth, I received a message that seems applicable: Be The Light

You may have heard this phrase before, but here are 4 ways it can apply in a situation like this.

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Tamara HerlComment
Transforming Our Shadows

How many times have you heard someone say they have an Inner Critic?

Or maybe you’ve heard them say they have a “Mean Girl” in their head.

No matter what name you give it, we all have these subpersonalities inside that can cause problems for us or hold us back, and most of us spend quite a bit of time and energy trying to get rid of or work around them.

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Tamara HerlComment
Ignite your Intuition

Picture this;

You're at a crossroads in your life, and you have an important decision to make.

Imagine that, instead of asking your friends for advice or wavering back and forth in doubt for weeks, you know exactly what to do.

Sound too good to be true?

It's not, once you've learned how to Ignite the power of your Intuition!

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Tamara Herl Comment
Reclaiming your Wild, Authentic, Radiant Self

Do you find yourself hiding Parts of yourself at times? Maybe you leave your playful Self at home when you go to work. Or you have great ideas, but depending on who you're with, sometimes you're afraid to share them. In this vlog, you can learn about different ways to start reclaiming your authentic Self.

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Tamara HerlComment
Leading with your Heart

Are your heart strings being pulled by the unsettling events that surround us in the world today? Many women around the world are feeling despair about what is happening and are urging us to speak out. Some are calling for us to march in protest.

But before you take your first step in responding to what’s happening, I urge you to lead with your heart.

How do you lead with your heart? One of the first steps is to learn to listen to your heart.

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Tamara HerlComment
Embracing Synchronicities

…The despair felt so deep I felt compelled to sit in darkness. I wondered if anyone else cared about the things that seem so important to me. To distract myself from the pain, I opened my laptop and typed in the words "fix society's broken systems." To my amazement, I discovered there are people all around the world who are part of a global movement called Social Entrepreneurship.

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Tamara HerlComment
Waking Up your Inner Leader

“I saw the campfire where I'd been sitting fade, and a thick, heavy fog settled in. I sensed a massive creature there. I was a little bit afraid, so I called out, "Show yourself!” The creature was a little timid to show itself, but it did let me touch something that seemed to be a wing before it slithered away. I sensed an amazing capacity for power that was available, if only it were recognized."

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Tamara HerlComment
Four Tips to Help You Step into the Unknown When Life's Not Working

Do you have the sense that something about your life is not working? Maybe you’re not showing up the way you want to in your relationship. Or perhaps you’re just going through the motions with your job, which no longer brings you any joy. Maybe your friends tell you that you’re capable of so much more, but you have no idea of how to tap into that potential. If any of these things describe you, it may be time to step into the unknown.

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Tamara HerlComment
Transforming Your Shadow with Parts Work

Now, more than ever, we need people to be connected to their Inner Divine Wisdom. People’s Shadow behaviors are showing up in their personal lives, and people’s Shadows are following them into the workplace and the world. I know of no better way to heal our Shadows than through Parts Work. This blog post explains what Parts Work is and includes a meditation to help you access your Parts and the Divine Spark within you

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Tamara HerlComment