Ignite your Intuition

Picture this;

You're at a crossroads in your life, and you have an important decision to make.


Imagine that, instead of asking your friends for advice or wavering back and forth in doubt for weeks, you know exactly what to do.


Sound too good to be true?


It's not, once you've learned how to Ignite the power of your Intuition!


Especially as women, we've been taught to ignore or doubt our intuitive knowing. It's time for that to stop. 


But what exactly is intuition? Researchers say that intuition is our brain’s ability to draw on internal and external cues when we need to quickly make decisions in the moment. When we use our intuition, we’re tapping into our brain’s ability to make a decision after evaluating both internal and external cues.


One of the tricky things about intuition is that often it either doesn’t make sense to you, or you can’t explain to someone else how you knew what you knew. And when that happens, it opens the door for self-doubt to flow in.

In the Netflix movie, “A Call to Spy,” which is based on a true story, one of the workers who decodes the messages that are sent in from the anti-Nazi spies tries to warn his superiors that the message they received was not actually sent from one of their operatives. The worker tells them that the wording seems wrong compared to previous messages, and “something feels off.”


The superiors decide to ignore the worker’s intuition, and as a result, many people are killed in an ambush.


In our lives, our intuition is there to guide us both in simple scenarios, such as which route is the best one to take while driving home at night, and in more life altering situations, such as whether or not engaging in a romantic relationship will be in our highest good.


Intuition is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.


If you’d like to ignite your intuition, set a goal to use your intuition each day. You may want to begin by practicing intuiting in situations where there is less at stake.


For example, when you are not pressured by time, let your intuition guide you in choosing an alternate route to drive to a place where you have often been before. During the drive, pay close attention to what benefits show up. Do you see a fence that gives you a great idea for the one you’ve been wanting to build?


When the stakes are higher, such as choosing between two jobs, explore the situation metaphorically. Picture the two jobs as chairs. If Job A were a chair, what kind of chair would it be? Do the same for Job B.  When you are trying to picture these symbolic images, don’t overthink it. Just go with the first image that comes to mind.


Next, spend some time reflecting upon how each of these chairs would fit into your life. How would it feel to sit in each of the chairs for an extended period of time?


As you continue to strengthen your intuition, begin writing down what you explore and experience. It’s a great idea to keep an intuition journal. Write down examples of the good that shows up in your life when you follow your intuition. Also track what happens when you don’t follow your intuition.


With patience and persistence, chances are that you’ll soon find the fire of your intuition is burning more brightly!

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