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Take a Deep Dive

So you can Become The One you’ve Been Waiting For



It’s time to Step into your Full Power as a Changemaker!

Have you noticed lately that it seems overwhelming to do you work as a Changemaker?

Maybe you’re a perfectionist, and you spend so much time trying to create the change you wish to see, that you neglect your hobbies and family—the things that bring you joy.

Or perhaps you push yourself so hard to get the job(s) done, that you end up feeling burned out and overwhelmed.

And in relationships—both personal and professional, maybe there are people who push your buttons, and you end up feeling defensive.

If any of these scenarios sound like you, don’t worry. My 4 hour workshop can help you create lasting change without burning yourself out in the processs.


My Philosophy

I see you as  whole, resourceful, and entirely capable of creating the changes you want in your life. I'll help you remember what inspires you and what you value. I’ll help you find the Parts within you that are holding you back, and together, we’ll help them transform, so you can reclaim your True Nature—Wild, Divine and Serene!

What Qualifies me to coach

I am professionally trained life coach and registered/board certified art therapist.
I am a Certified Forest Therapy Guide

I graduated from Coach U in 2007 and have completed hundreds of hours of continuing ongoing education through Coachville, Earth Based Institute, and with mentor coaches. I spend time regularly engaging in practices that support my spiritual growth and build my coaching skills! 

I look forward to our session!

