Deciphering Divine Signs

When you have a powerful vision that compels you to make the world better, it's not unusual to get derailed in the process of making your vision a reality. 


You might feel confused because you're not sure what your next step is. And then you might feel frustrated because you've lost momentum. 


There IS something you can do to gain clarity and get back on track more quickly: working with Divine Signs. Here are 4 steps to help you do this.


STEP 1 Opening up to Divine Signs


The Universe is streaming support to us every hour of every day, in a variety of ways. The first step in working with Divine Signs is opening up to this possibility.


STEP 2 Noticing Divine Signs 

Another component of working with Divine Signs involves paying attention to what psychologist Carl Jung called synchronicity. Synchronicity involves seeing coincidences as meaningful. 


Here's an example to illustrate. I live right next to a busy 4 lane highway, so the traffic noise is usually quite noticeable. Luckily, being a practitioner of Forest Therapy, I have learned to hear beyond that. 


A few days ago, as I slowly meandered on the land, I heard a tapping sound.  At first, I thought it was one of the neighbors building something. But as I paused to listen more closely, I realized the sound was coming from an animal. 


I turned to my left and saw a woodpecker high in a tree. The bird busily tapped away, searching for food. 


Some people would call that a natural phenomenon...a bird looking for food.  I agree. Yet I also believe it was a Divine Sign--a message from the Universe. 


I just happened to be walking in the exact spot where the woodpecker just happened to be tapping out its rhythm.  And I happened to be present enough in the moment to notice the rhythm, rather than being in my head.


STEP 3  Deciphering Divine Signs 

The third step in working with Divine Signs is understanding what they mean. Thanks to the Internet, you can easily search for "the spiritual significance of ____." I also love Ted Andrew's books, Animal Speak and Nature Speak. You are likely to find a variety of explanations, so choose what resonates with you and your situation.  


STEP 4  Applying Divine Signs 

The final step in working with Divine Signs is to figure out how what you have seen and experienced applies to your life. This may take some time to understand, so be patient. 


In the case of my Divine Sign that showed up in the form of a woodpecker, after several days, I finally realized what the Universe was trying to tell me.  There were patterns in my life that I needed to examine and change in order to have the physical health and emotional energy to live out my vision of supporting women who are change makers. I needed to go deeper, beneath the surface, to find what would feed me so I can continue my work.


I hope that you will begin working with the Divine Signs in YOUR life. Because the world needs you to keep moving forward with your big vision!

Tamara HerlComment