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 You Don’t have to work harder to get results

Let Energy Work help you Fulfill your Life Purpose

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Activate your 5d dna sessions

You’re a person who cares about humanity. You see systems in the world that aren’t working, and you have ideas about how to make things better.

When you start trying to put your ideas into practice, you might run into barriers and start thinking things like:
I’m just one person. What difference can I make?
This is a waste of time. My idea will never work.

You may find yourself feeling:

  • Burned out

  • Frustrated

  • Overwhelmed

  • Hopeless

But what if you didn’t have to push so hard?  What if there was an easier path?

Within you lie dormant abilities that are ready to be awakened so that you can create that big impact you long to make.

The Universe wants to support you in helping humanity transform itself.

And you can do this by waking up the power that lies within you through an Activate your 5D DNA Session.

Activate your 5D DNA sessions use the frequencies of sound, light, and sacred symbols to prepare your body to receive information that will empower you to create change.

You’ll learn visualizations and breathing techniques you can use every day to maintain the energy level you need to receive the Divine Guidance that will help you transform your own life and the world.

You have 2 options for accessing this work: 

- An in-person session in Cascade, CO at my retreat center

- A virtual session that will be conducted either via phone or zoom from the comfort of your home

Activate your 5D DNA sessions are designed to help you:

  • Wake up latent abilities and faculties

  • Unlock amazing abilities

  • Prepare to realize your highest achievements

  • Clarity your path of action

  • Recognize and fulfill your personal destiny

While receiving the DNA session is usually a relaxing and peaceful experience, occasionally clients experience emotional or physical discomfort during or after their session.
