Embracing Synchronicities

     Have you ever experienced a moment in time where you felt totally alone and you wanted to just stop trying so hard?

     This happened to me a few weeks ago.  The despair felt so deep I felt compelled to sit in darkness. I wondered if anyone else cared about the things that seem so important to me.  To distract myself from the pain, I opened my laptop and typed in the words "fix society's broken systems."  To my amazement, I discovered there are people all around the world who are part of a global movement called Social Entrepreneurship.

     Social Entrepreneurs are individuals or groups of people who take on the responsibility of solving society’s most prevalent problems. They work to transform the systems that are dysfunctional or “broken.”

     One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Patricia Cota-Robles, says the reason it’s been so hard for these systems to change is that they are part of a matrix that has been in place for many years.  Thankfully, she says the dysfunctional matrix has been dismantled, which makes it the perfect time for us to step into our full potential so we can help our systems--and ourselves-- evolve.

     In fact, it’s imperative that we do so, because the reason we are living on earth at this point in time, according to Cota-Robles, is because it's part of our destiny to co-create new societal systems.  Thinking about creating these new systems can feel daunting...like the task is too big to take on alone.

     Luckily, we don't have to, because all we have to do is focus on our heart, set the intention to connect to the heart of Divine Intelligence that created us, and we'll be connected to both ideas about new ways of doing things and Divine Beings who will support our efforts.  

     I like to believe that me randomly deciding to do an internet search on “broken systems” was not random at all, but rather an example of the Divine Support available to us. Psychiatrist Carl Jung called experiences like this "synchronicity", where the Universe conspires with us to create an experience that has significance for us.

     Recently I took a trip to Sedona, Arizona where I was hoping to visit many of the vortexes. The area was filled with people, and we couldn’t find parking places. Plus, we were staying in Flagstaff and it snowed almost every day there, so the roads between there and Sedona were dicey. We ended up staying in our motel a lot, which at first disappointed me, but then I made a decision to use the indoor time (another synchronicity) to create a life mask to represent who I’m in the process of becoming.

    I had decided to create a dragon, based on a vision that a friend of mine had recently (see last month’s blog.) I’ve been creating life masks since I began working on my master’s degree in art therapy more than 30 years ago. The process involves making a plaster cast of your face and then decorating it. Usually, I leave the facial structure intact and decorate it with paint, tissue paper, and found objects.
     This time, however, I decided to add sculptural elements to transform the facial structure itself so that it didn’t look quite human, since after all, dragons are definitely part of the More Than Human World.  The process has been very interesting.
     There were times when I didn’t like the way the mask looked at all, and I wanted to throw it away. But I didn’t because I am really committed to Becoming the One I’ve Been Waiting For!  I studied the way the mask looked, found pictures of dragons, and looked up the spiritual significance of dragons. I tried on the mask many times as it evolved, re-adjusting and re-creating different aspects of it several times.

     This whole process of reminds me of the process of the life cycle of the butterfly, which involves the caterpillar dissolving the form it once knew, letting go of what no longer serves, and emerging totally transformed. I’ve felt so inspired by this process that I’ve designed my whole year of coaching and retreat offerings for 2022 to revolve around this transformative cycle, starting with a virtual mask making retreat and coaching group in January and February.
     I had originally planned to host the mask making retreat on site, but it makes more sense to offer it virtually to follow safe health guidelines. Plus, now this offering is available to many more people!
     So, if you are feeling called to help society’s dysfunctional systems transform, take heart! Check out the multitude of offerings available for Social Entrepreneurs, including my Becoming The One You’ve Been Waiting For virtual mask making retreat and coaching group. Check out the retreat page at www.TheWildDivine.us for more details And thank you so much for caring!

Tamara HerlComment