Waking Up your Inner Leader

Recently I had the pleasure to take part of in Nature Connected Coach training, which included learning new ways to connect deeply with Nature.  

One practice involved creating a Vision Council, where you call in wise and powerful beings who can support you on your spiritual growth journey.  

After we'd practiced this several times, we were asked to work with a partner. All of the training was virtual, and my partner was in Canada. I was asked to send my Vision Council to him and he was to send his to me. 

Here's how he described what he experienced when my Council visited him:

 “I saw the campfire where I'd been sitting fade, and a thick, heavy fog settled in. I sensed a massive creature there. I was a little bit afraid, so I called out, "Show yourself!” The creature was a little timid to show itself, but it did let me touch something that seemed to be a wing before it slithered away. I sensed an amazing capacity for power that was available, if only it were recognized."

 How do you feel after reading that description? What do you imagine the creature was?

 And what do you imagine YOUR partner would experience with YOUR Council?

 I truly believe it’s time for ALL of us to wake up our Inner Leaders so we can help society meet the challenges we are facing. 

Spiritual thought leader Patricia Cota-Robles says that the new patterns of perfection that we need to rebuild society are now available for us to access. All we have to do is to open our hearts and tune in.

One of the most powerful ways to tune in is through deep connection with nature.  

Nature provides a wonderful model of how we must move forward. Adult birds can’t fly FOR their fledglings. The young birds must learn to take flight on their own. So too must we find the courage to take flight. The Beings of the More than Human World have paved the way. It’s up to us to take it from here.

If you feel both intrigued and terrified at the prospect of this, you're not alone. Many of us are experiencing both the call to act and the fear of doing so.

I believe the immense power that my partner sensed as my Vision Council is not just my story. It’s the amazing capacity for power and change that’s inside each one of us, waiting to be recognized.

That's why I decided to host a webinar called Leadership Outside the Box.  The Webinar is free, and it will be offered at 10 am mountain time Friday, November 19thMy colleague Kathy Gray Carter, a savvy lady with some great leadership experience, will be joining us.  

I hope you can make it, because I'm looking forward to telling you more about Vision Council and a couple of the other powerful Nature Connection Practices I learned about. Please email me if you'd like to join us 

Tamara HerlComment