Four Tips to Help You Step into the Unknown When Life's Not Working

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Do you have the sense that something about your life is not working? Maybe you’re not showing up the way you want to in your relationship. Or perhaps you’re just going through the motions with your job, which no longer brings you any joy. Maybe your friends tell you that you’re capable of so much more, but you have no idea about how to tap into that potential. If any of these things describe you, it may be time to step into the unknown.
Acknowledging that things aren’t working is the first step. The second is to let go. Believe me, I know how difficult that can be.
My family used to own a beautiful mountain property in Howard, Colorado. It was located in a very private valley right beside a sparkling mountain stream. We could clearly hear the sound of the running water and smell the rich aroma of the Ponderosa pine trees whenever we had the windows open or sat on the deck. I loved everything about it, except that I couldn’t find work that I enjoyed. My coaching practice wasn’t at the point where it could support me. And one family member didn’t feel happy there. As difficult as it was, we decided to sell.
I was hoping that we’d be able to find a place we liked better and THEN sell. But we needed the proceeds from the sale of the Howard property for a down payment on our new place. It was one of the hardest things I’d ever done. I had reached the end of the beautiful light of all that I had known and it was time to step into the darkness of the unknown.
I’ve experienced this at other times in my life, and I’ve compared it to what I imagine a trapeze artist feels in that moment when they are suspended in mid-air after they’ve let go of one bar and they’re waiting to grab onto the next.
The only problem is that sometimes that “moment” after letting to can feel extraordinarily long. And the waiting can be a true test of faith. It can feel really scary.
If you know in your heart that it’s time to let go of the familiar and step into the unknown, here are four techniques that can help you with this process.
First, consciously set the intention to let go of what’s not working. Write it down on a piece of paper and tear it up, bury it, or find a safe way to burn the piece of paper. Writing it down will help you get more clear and specific about what you want to release. The physical act of letting the paper go adds a ceremonial component and lets the Universe know that you are serious about your intention.
Second, get calm and centered. Breathe deeply and focus on your heart. If you feel doubt or fear coming in, either put up a wall or barrier between you and the fear/doubt, or imagine that you can unplug from it. This will get you out of fight or flight mode and into a place of more calmness. You can read more about techniques like this at
Next, ask for and visualize support. For instance, think of a movie where you saw an astronaut floating inside of their space capsule and imagine yourself as the astronaut. Or imagine riding on the back of a dragon or resting on a cloud while conversing with a Being you hold sacred.
Finally, open up to receive. Tell the Universe that you’re ready to step into whatever will help you become who you’re meant to be. Visualize the Greater Good flowing to you and breathe it into your entire being. Then watch and wait for what shows up, paying special attention to synchronicities such as songs that play on the radio, images you create through visual journaling, advertisements on the side of semi-trucks, things that catch your attention when you spend mindful time in nature.
As long as you hold on to your intention and carve out time to listen, notice, and reflect, you’ll begin to receive clues. With patience, you can piece them together so that you can begin to move forward on the new part of your journey. And what a grand adventure it will be, whether you find new solid ground to stand on or grow wings and take flight!

Tamara HerlComment