Why New Year’s Resolutions don’t stick, and what to do about it

How are you doing on sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions? If you’ve found yourself slipping, you’re not alone. Change can be hard, especially if you don’t engage your whole being. What needs to change so you can see better results?

First off, let’s have a brief session of Metaphysics 101 and talk about the aura. Basically, the aura is a series of layers of electromagnetic fields outside of the physical body. Some people say the layers are like concentric rings around the body.

The energy layer closest to the physical body is called the etheric body. It regulates the condition and heath of your physical body because it’s connected to our organs and glands.

The second energy layer is the emotional body. This layer store emotions, including unsettling ones like fear, resentment, and loneliness. It tries to communicate with the first layer to process the unsettling emotions. When you have physical symptoms like upset stomach, this could be a sign that you have emotions that need to be worked through. A lot of people try to ignore or stuff emotions, but if they’re not processed, stuck emotions can keep you stuck when you’re trying to make changes.

The third energy layer around the body is the mental body. This layer is connected with your ideas, logical processes, and belief systems. Unless challenged, this layer of your body keeps maintaining the version of reality that it knows, whether that reality works or not. Mental health issues show up in this layer of the aura.

The fourth energy layer is the astral body. Some people call this the window to our spiritual nature. I like to think of it as a bridge to the Divine.

So, back to why your resolutions don’t stick. A lot of times we only work from the mental body. We make a list of things we want to change, but we don’t take into consideration what might be happening in the other layers of the aura.

There might be unprocessed emotions in your emotional body, or unchallenged belief systems in your mental body.

If that’s the case, a simple way to address this is through meditation and visualization.

One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Patricia Cota-Robles, released a vlog last week that can help you if you’re feeling stuck.  Check out her wonderful vlog “Integrating our I Am Presence to the Next Level” here: https://eraofpeace.org/pages/premium-content/

If you’re not seeing the changes you want, you have choices:

·        Accept your situation as it is

·        Build your ability to tolerate what’s not working

·        Expand your capacity to disrupt/modify what’s not working

·        Tap into your creativity and Divine Guidance to re-create what’s not working

What I love about the way I practice coaching is that we address the last two bullet points: we challenge the reality that’s not working for you, and get you connected with your spirituality so that you can hear the Divine promptings that come to you and be clear about how to act on them.

So, if you’re not making the kind of progress you want on your New Year’s resolutions, try engaging your all of your Bodies. You might be surprised at how things will shift.

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