Transforming Your Shadow with Parts Work

Now, more than ever, we need people to be connected to their Inner Divine Wisdom. People’s Shadow behaviors are showing up in their personal lives, and people’s Shadows are following them into the workplace and the world. I know of no better way to heal our Shadows than through Parts Work.

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When you book an individual coaching session with me, or purchase one of my coaching packages, we’ll most likely be doing Parts Work. But because our Shadows are showing up so strongly in the world, I’m going to be sharing with you here the basics of the Parts Work process and a meditation so that you can do some of the work on your own.

This information in this blog is included in my online course: Portals to Guidance, which you can sign up for on my website if you want to begin exploring the process deeply right now. Otherwise, over the next 3 months, I’ll be sharing more of the content from my Portals class on my social media posts: Become Your Own Guru Coaching on Facebook, @tamaraherl on Instagram, and @tamara-herl on LinkedIn.

Parts Work is a psycho-spiritual model. It helps us notice, give voice to, and understand the many Parts that operate within us.

All of us are born with different Parts. As a child, you may remember loving to spend time in nature or being very creative. Some people know, from a very early age, what they are passionate about, such as wanting to help people heal.


As we go through life, we often encounter a challenge that feels too big to handle. This is a natural part of being human, because it helps us evolve and grow. However, when the challenge you experience feels too big, a Part of you can become Wounded. Luckily, you also have a Spark of the Divine that can help this Part of you heal and grow. 

Think about a challenge you experienced that may have felt too big to handle.


Sometimes the challenge that happens causes a part of you to get wounded. The challenge can be something like being made fun of at school or being verbally abused by someone in power. (doctor, parent)


When the wounding happens a Protector Part of you steps up to protect the wounded Part, using a behavior that works in that moment.

The Protector Part probably had a different role in your Internal System originally.  For example, the Part of you that’s passionate about something like helping others heal may put that passion/desire on the back burner because it’s busy protecting your Child Part and telling your Inner Child, don’t try that. It’s not safe to __________________

As you evolved, the Protector Part may have continued to use that same behavior, such as telling you that you can’t do certain things, or that you need to hold yourself back.

What is something your Protector Part tells you?

The behavior, such as holding back, worked in that moment to keep you safe, but now you’re at the point where you realize these thoughts and behaviors aren’t in your own or others’ Highest Good.  They’re not helping!

You may have tried to stop engaging in the behavior, but it’s hard to do unless you first connect with the Wounded Part and help it heal.

One of the best ways to help your Wounded Part heal is to invite the inner Spark of the Divine to shine its light on the Wounded Part.


As your Wounded Part releases its pain and fear,  your Protector Part will realize the Wounded Part is now safe, and with Guidance, it can stop engaging in the behavior that’s been holding you back. It can go back to its original role.

 This is a process that takes time and patience.

The end goal of Parts Work Coaching is be able to tap into SELF (Divine Spark) as needed so you can get to the point where:
A. You don't have to apologize to people so often for your behavior
      You recognize in the moment that a Protector Part of you has been activated, and you quickly and
easily tap into your Self and discover a way to respond that  is in your own & others' highest good.
B. You don't spend hours later agonizing over something you said or did or something you wish
     you would have said or done.
C.  You are able to tap into ways to be Authentic in the moment. You know what your triggers
      are. If your Wounded Parts have healed, the acting out happens less often (maybe 
      not at all?) You are less attached to the outcome. You accept that others don't have to
      agree with you or like you, and you are OK with that. 
C. You are living your full potential more fully each day. 
      You are able to stand into your full power and to allow and encourage others to do the
      same.  You are not playing small or playing it safe. You recognize your fears and explore them so
      you can grow. You know how you are meant to serve humanity and  you find ways to do it.  You don't
consider yourself less than or more powerful than others. You are connected with like-minded people,
doing things that bring you joy and support humanity.


Below is a meditation process you can use to access Self and your Parts.
Get as comfortable as you can where you are sitting.
Take some nice deep breaths
If it feels comfortable, close your eyes and begin to focus inward.
Become more relaxed with each breath.
Notice the breath moving in/out of your body.
Think of a time when you felt the presence of the Divine within you.
This aspect of you is Whole and can never be damaged
When you connect with this aspect of you, you may feel Calm and Caring.
You often sense a strong Connection to other people or to the world.
Your heart may be filled with Compassion.
You have Clarity and the Courage to take action.
You can tap into your Creativity, and you feel Curious.
See if you can feel a strong connection to this aspect of you somewhere in/around your body.
Ask this aspect of you what it what it would like to be called.
Notice where/how you feel the connection to your Divine Spark. Anchor this in so you can return and connect again when you need to.
Ask this aspect of you to share with you something about your role in helping to create the New Earth.
Gradually bring your awareness back into the room. Wiggle your fingers/toes.
Open eyes, take a few deep breaths.
You may want to journal about this experience.

Any time you want to connect with a Part of you, get into a meditative state and focus inward. Notice where you feel that Part in/around your body. Get to know the Part. Ask it to tell its story. Ask it what it needs. Try to find a way to appreciate how it’s been trying to help you get what you need. It will be easier to feel appreciation or compassion for your Part if you access Self energy first.

I hope you will practice the Parts Work process often. Please feel free to reach out to me for support!

And thank you for the beautiful Being that you Are!

Tamara HerlComment