Four Questions to Ask if Your Life is Out of Balance

 If you sense that your life is out of balance, the first thing you might look at is whether or not you are working too much. But work is just one area where your energy can be invested poorly. There are four key questions you can ask yourself if you want to have a more balanced life.

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Over-giving in Relationships
     How often do you find yourself giving to others at your own expense? In healthy relationships there is balance between giving and receiving. But sometimes you might find yourself putting your own needs on the back burner, telling yourself you need to take care of others first. Think about what a flight attendant tells passengers traveling with children about oxygen masks. “Put your own mask on first.”
     Of course, you want to give to the people you care about. But if you’ve been doing it too often, you can begin to harbor feelings of resentment or start seeing yourself in a bad light.
Ask yourself this question: How does the amount of energy I pour into helping other people realize their dreams compare with what I’ve been investing in working towards my OWN big dream for myself/my life?

Filling the Emptiness
     Don’t kid yourself. Accomplishing your big dream takes time and energy. It’s easy to get discouraged if you’re not seeing the results you want. Fear or anger can creep in. It becomes easy to tell yourself, “I deserve a break.” Or, “I’m too tired.” The space between you and what you want for your life can feel huge. To cope with the energy of that emptiness, you might find yourself binging on a TV show, eating too much junk food, shopping, or using substances.

Ask yourself: How much time did I spend last week binging on something?

Letting go of the Reins
     Sometimes your life can feel out of balance if you’ve handed too much control over to the Universe. When you do this, you’re not embracing your power. A healthy way to have great balance includes deciding what you want, putting it out there to the Universe, asking the Universe to give you support and point you in the right direction, noticing what shows up, and then taking steps down the path that’s been illuminated.

Ask yourself this question: What Divine signs have shown up for me lately and what steps have I taken to act on them?

Ignoring your Body’s Wisdom
     Are you having difficulty focusing, experiencing low energy or having brain fog? Physical symptoms are a good reason to schedule time with your health care provider. Once biological problems have been ruled out, then it’s time to take a look at what’s going on in your life.
     The voice of your Body’s Wisdom may start out as a whisper, like when you notice your yoga mat in the corner. And then it gets louder, when you hear yourself thinking in the middle of the night, “I’m going to do yoga every day this week.” If you keep ignoring your body’s wisdom, you may get what I call the “two-by-four method,” where your body says, “OK. She hasn’t listened to anything I’ve suggested, so to get her attention, I’m going to give her this stabbing pain in her left hip that she can’t ignore.”

Ask yourself: What is my body trying to tell me about balance?

Noticing where you’re out of balance can play a big role in helping you set things right. You may want to make it a practice to ask yourself these questions on a regular basis so that you can make corrections as needed.