5 Tips for Staying Spiritually Anchored in Challenging Times

Is this you?
You’re a therapist who is deeply committed to helping people achieve vibrant mental health, yet in the moment when a case is particularly challenging, you doubt yourself and wonder if you're giving the client the best advice.

Or maybe this is you?
You're a small business owner passionate about helping the people that you serve, yet sometimes when you deal with a client whose needs are complex, you feel stressed out and wonder if you’re in the right profession.

If either of these describe you, don't worry. You are not alone.  

When stress or challenge causes you to lose your spiritual connection, here are 5 simple yet powerful things you can do to regain your footing:

Tip #1  Don’t Judge Yourself
The fact that the self-doubt pops up is not something to worry about. It’s normal for doubt to creep in when you are faced with a challenge. Nowadays this is often called the Imposter Syndrome. And it is normal for this to pop up when you are faced with situations that really test your limits and boundaries.

If you hear yourself saying inside of your head, “What's the matter with me? Why couldn't I stay connected to my intuition and my belief in knowing that I can access what the person needs in that moment?” stop judging yourself and just accept that doubt is part of being human. Doubt, when short-lived, can be healthy in that it can prompt you to make sure that you are doing the right thing.

Tip#2   Don’t Dwell on the Doubt
When doubt lingers in your mind, it can really begin to cause problems. For instance, the therapist I mentioned earlier might plow through their day just to make sure that they could continue to serve their clients.


But at the end of the day when they have down time and a little bit of time to think, that is when the doubt can start to build. Left unchecked, it can snowball quickly from doubting your skills in that situation, to questioning your choice of career, and to remembering of all of the other times when you didn’t know what to do in the moment.  It’s really important to stop that snowball effect.


Tip #3   Acknowledge the Disconnect
The next step is to acknowledge that your spiritual connection has been broken or weakened. Be aware that staying connected to your spirituality is an ongoing process. Just as you can’t plug in your cell phone and expect it to stay charged indefinitely, so must you replenish your connection to the Divine. And like charging a cell phone, it's something that often requires daily or at least regular attention.

Tip #4   Fill the Well
Once you have acknowledged that your spiritual connection is weak or broken, the next step is to find a way to reconnect. Connecting to spirituality is unique for each person. Make a list of things that help you feel connected to the Divine. Is it spending time in nature? Is it connecting with a friend? Or perhaps it is imagining that you could have a conversation with your future self or with a beloved mentor. If you could talk to your mentor, how would they respond to your doubt that you can serve the people that you passionately desire to help? It’s doubtful that they would say, “What's the matter with you?” Instead, it’s much more likely that they would lovingly hold onto their vision of you standing in your full potential. They would probably tell you to have compassion for yourself and find out what you can learn from this temporary loss of connection. It might be helpful to create affirmations based on what your mentor would tell you.


Tip #5   Maintain the Well
Once you’ve filled your Spiritual Well, it’s important to maintain it. One way to look at this is to compare your spiritual connection to having a bank account. In the world of money, you have to make regular deposits in your account or you're going to get overdrawn, because there are things you need to buy in order to live.

Doing the work you do as a visionary person who wants to make a difference in the world can be draining spiritually. So, if you're not making regular deposits in your spiritual account, don't be surprised if you lose your connection from time to time. You are more likely to be able to bounce back quickly and show up as your brilliant, visionary, divinely connected self when you are taking time daily or at least regularly to pour into your spiritual self.

And don’t leave it to chance. Schedule time in your calendar for spiritual self-care, just like you would for any other thing that is vital in your life!



With the holidays coming up, the extra stress from that can be another thing that makes it hard to stay spiritually anchored. If you know this tends to be a challenging time of the year for you, check out our special event:
Staying Spiritually Anchored During the Holidays    November 17th   5-6 pm Mountain Time
With the hustle and bustle of the Holidays, it can be hard hold on to the “Peace on Earth, Goodwill Towards All” mindset. Join us November 17th for a group oracle card reading. Your Divine Team wants to support you in showing up in ways that line up with your values, and this experience will help you connect to the Divine Wisdom that is right for you at this time. The cost is just $11, and 50% of the proceeds will be donated to charity. Save your spot for this event by clicking the link below:


Tamara HerlComment