Be The Light

Someone recently told me they find it hard to stay Anchored in their Spirituality when a person they love dearly has lost their Spiritual connection.

Can you relate? 

Years ago, when I was working with a labyrinth, I received a message that seems applicable: Be The Light

You may have heard this phrase before, but here are 4 ways it can apply in a situation like this.


1. Proximity 

Invite your loved one to attend a spiritual event such as a sound healing, or to accompany you to shop at a metaphysical store. It’s important to just make this a gentle invitation, and to not take it personally if the loved one doesn’t respond. We all know that no one likes having spirituality or religion shoved in their face or down their throat.


2. Play

Purchase a game with a metaphysical twist and invite your loved one to play.

There is a fun game called The Gift of Enlightenment that explores the chakras and qualities connected to enlightenment in a fun way.


3. Gifting

When your birthday, Christmas, and other holidays come around, request that your loved one gift you with their presence instead of buying you a physical gift. You could invite your loved one to engage in a simple practice like Forest Bathing with you.


4. Adventure

If you have a trip planned with your loved one, do some research to see if there are any sacred sites nearby.

After becoming weary of the commercialism of Disney World a few years ago, I discovered there was a 2,000-year-old tree within driving distance. It felt like a great adventure to be able to see it, so I invited my loved one to join me.

It can be a delicate matter to dance between being pushy about something and being The Light. We each have our own path to walk. So, even if our loved one doesn’t want to walk the same path as we do, when we can Be The Light,  we can illuminate the landscape so that if they don’t choose the path that WE are on, they will be able to see the one that calls to their heart and spirit.

Tamara HerlComment