Feeling worn out trying to hold on to a positive outlook?
Hold on to your Hope, because Spiritual thought leaders around the globe are saying that the old oppressive matrix that’s been in place for centuries has been dismantled!
Read on to discover how to get connected…
The upcoming cosmic portal on 11/11 is a window of opportunity for your spiritual growth.
If you're wondering why, read on.
Think of it this way. It takes a lot more energy to climb over a wall, than it does to walk through an opening in the wall.
The 11/11 Portal is like having a doorway into a higher vibration. And the doorway doesn’t stay open forever.
Read MoreIs Stress Stealing Your Serenity? Most people try to manage stress. But you can get deeper and more long lasting results if you transform your stress, at the core. This blog will help you understand more about how to stop behaviors that steal your Serenity
Read MoreI see what’s happening around the world as Windows of Opportunity. Some Windows of Opportunity are subtle and tiny, while others are glaringly obvious. What’s happening in the world definitely seem like the latter. We have a chance to shift the way we respond. To stop fighting against what’s not working, and instead learn how to invent new things that do.
If you’re on a mission to create change in your life or in the world, but you’re not seeing results, it might be time to do your Inner Work.
Often when we run into roadblocks, we blame the world. You may tell yourself, “They’re not ready for what I have to offer.” Or, “I don’t have the resources I need to make this happen.”
And those thoughts may be partly true. But it’s also likely that you have some barriers within yourself that are tied to unhealed trauma.
In this blog, you’ll read the stories of 4 women (names have been changed to protect their identity) that illustrate how unhealed trauma can show up. And then you’ll learn about a coaching modality that can help you move forward if you engage in these behaviors.
During the process of creating change in your life or in the world, it’s easy to feel stuck.
Maybe you’ve tried to motivate yourself but it didn’t work.
I remember when I was in college and taking a fitness course, I tried to motivate myself to lift weights by promising myself a new bicycle. But that didn’t work. Once the class was over, I went back to my old routine.
What DID work, was figuring out how to tap into the flow.
If you find it hard to keep going in the face of challenges and setbacks, developing a resilience mindset can help. Check out a simple exercise that can boost your resilience.
Read MoreYour thoughts and beliefs are like lenses that color the way you see the world. But sometimes you don’t realize you’re still wearing those glasses. And that can hold you back from living with joy and making the kind of difference you’re meant to in the world.
Read MoreLove, connection, peace, rest, joy.
These are a few of the responses I got when I asked: Other than money, what do you need most during the holidays?
The one word that wasn’t mentioned, and which I think is crucial is “hope.” Hope is the thread that ties together all of the other things that we want and need most during the holidays, because no matter what you wish for or need, there is also the hope that it will manifest.
If you could create a miracle, what would you create? We’re conditioned to believe that only the chosen few have this ability. But what could happen if we looked beyond that fairy tale?
Read MoreOne thing that some of my clients who are actively working to ascend have noticed is that they are experiencing flare ups of physical and/or emotional issues that they thought were resolved. This doesn’t mean that you’re on the wrong path. It may be a message from the Universe that if you re-visit past trauma, it will help you ascend.
Read MoreDo you buy into the belief that the only way to get what you want is by working hard? If you’re feeling tired or burned out, it may be time to try something different.
Of course, you’ll have to put in effort in order to accomplish your goals. But the hard path is not always the only path to get there. Two of my favorite metaphysical teachers recently shared information about achieving your goals with more ease.
Read MoreDo you ever have problems telling the difference between everyday thoughts and Divine Guidance? Read on to discover 5 practices you can use to strengthen your ability to discern the difference.
People who are invested in changing things around them in the world that aren’t working, often feel so strongly about their cause that they can’t NOT talk and think about it. They usually have a vision of how to make things better. But sometimes they get distracted or derailed.
If this describes you, read on. I call people like you Visionaries, and it’s my mission to help you thrive. Here are 3 of the most common ways that Visionaries have told me they derailed and some practices you can use to get back on track.
You’re brushing your hair, while at the same time, you’re also mentally adding items to your grocery list.
But ask yourself this: “Which part of me is managing the brush I’m holding?” Some people would say it’s your subconscious mind.
Are you feeling called to change the Status Quo? Maybe it’s time to Find your Feisty
Lightworkers often have a softer side. They have big hearts, and they want to help fix or change what’s not working in the world.
Someone recently criticized me because my website is all about “love and light” but they complained that isn’t how I act towards them.
As Lightworkers, it’s important that we don’t tolerate the status quo, which can show up in many ways:
Have you ever wished you had a Fairy Godmother? When you learn these powerful tips for manifesting, you won’t need one.
Read MoreOur society has a definition of art that is way too narrow. As a result, many of us have ended up thinking we’re not creative. Read this blog post to debunk that myth.
On a Scale of 1-10 How confident are you that you’re making the kind of impact you’re meant to make?
If your number is anything less than a 7, there’s a good chance that you could have some Internal Obstacles that are getting in the way of you making the kind of impact you want.
Kintsugi is the Japanese art form that involves mending broken pottery with gold. It’s a metaphor for how we can live life. I’ve created a simplified way of doing the process, and you can get your free guide here.
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