Finding Your Feisty

Are you feeling called to change the Status Quo?  Maybe it’s time to Find your Feisty

Lightworkers often have a softer side. They have big hearts, and they want to help fix or change what’s not working in the world.

Someone recently criticized me because my website is all about “love and light” but they complained that isn’t how I act towards them.

As Lightworkers, it’s important that we don’t tolerate the status quo, which can show up in many ways:

* People who don’t honor you and your physical/emotional boundaries
* Systems that expect employees to continuously give to and serve the organization at the expense of their health and well being

There are many ways the unhealthy status quo shows up. These are just two that really bother me.

Take some time to think about the things you see around you in your own life and in the world that break your heart or leave you feeling angry.

These things bother you for a reason. It’s a message from the Universe: “Don’t just complain. You were born to help these things change.”

But how and where do you begin? This is where Finding your Feisty comes in.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “Well behaved women seldom make history.” Think about Joan of Arc. She was a peasant who felt she had been called to lead an army to help France escape the status quo of being controlled by England. Even though she had no military training, she convinced prince Charles to allow her to lead an army to a besieged city, where they achieved a stunning victory.

Joan didn’t listen to the voice in her head that might have told her, “Who am I to lead an army? I have no military training.” Instead, she listened to the calling and acted on it. She let go of the fear of what others would think of her, and instead tapped into the fire in her heart.

Maybe you’re not feeling called to lead an army. But if you’ve read this far, I’m guessing you’re feeling called to change something in your life or in the world.

Don’t be surprised if Finding your Feisty is something the Universe invites you to do. There are two definitions for the word “feisty” in the dictionary.

The first is: (of a person, typically one who is relatively small) lively, determined, and courageous.

The second is: touchy and aggressive.

Women often avoid Finding their Feisty because of the second definition. We don’t want to be seen as touchy and aggressive. I agree that feistiness can go too far.

However, we need to realize that bucking the system is often not welcomed. So, we may be labeled as “touchy” because we are refusing to buy into the status quo.

Listen to those promptings that come from deep within your heart—to that still small voice that may begin speaking more loudly as you begin to give it attention.

And know that you’re not in this alone. The Universe is giving you the calling. And It will also support you every step along the way. All you have to do is ask for support or guidance. Then be open to receiving, understanding, and acting on the guidance you receive.

Use your oracle cards, journaling, and immersion in art and nature. Get Dialed in to the Divine so you can apply the guidance in your life and in the world.

You may not make it into the history books. But together, as Feisty and Visionary Women united, we can help the world become a place where everyone can thrive.

Tamara Herl1 Comment