Your Divine Guidance: Are You Missing the Signs?

Do you ever have problems telling the difference between everyday thoughts and Divine Guidance?

It’s definitely a practice. Here’s a story to illustrate.

Last week I went to the same sit spot I’d been using for a year. I loved it because I was surrounded by willows and the soothing sound of rushing water. Recently, I’d spotted an interesting mushroom that had sprouted there, and on that day, as I was trying to keep my dog from sitting on it, I noticed a snake there.

Normally I’m a bit bothered by snakes, especially when I unexpectedly see them slithering near me. But since this one wasn’t moving; I was uncharacteristically calm.

As I tried to direct where my dog was sitting, she accidently sat on the snake. I got her to move and noticed the snake’s body looked slightly crushed.

“It must be dead,” I thought. I wondered what had happened to it. What was its story, I wondered?

I decided if it was dead, I didn’t want the body to remain there because it would make my sit spot smell bad. So, I decided to pick it up with a stick. When I tried this, it slithered away.

As I continued to walk past that area over the next couple of days, I noticed the snake moving towards or away from my sit spot a few times.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, or what it meant. As I mentioned earlier, seeing snakes move is a trigger for me. Like many people, I have a fear of snakes. A Part of me wondered if this was a message that I should try to conquer my fear, or have a different relationship with my fears and with snakes.

I toyed with the idea that maybe I should be magnanimous enough to share my sit spot. So, I acted on this thought, and cleaned up the sticks around the area so I could at least see the snake more clearly if it were there.

The thought also occurred to me that perhaps it was time to move my sit spot, especially because we had placed a log stoop there that was special to me. I didn’t want it to get washed away. Unfortunately, I didn’t act on this thought.

A few days later, a really bad flood came through our property in the late afternoon. The next day, as I walked the property, I discovered that the flood had washed away my special stoop.

“Ahh,” I thought. The snake had been a messenger, sent to help me preserve something that I valued, and that supported my ability to stay on track with my purpose. But I hadn’t been able to tell the difference between Divine Guidance and thoughts generated by me.

Does that ever happen to you?  If so, read on to discover 5 practices you can use to strengthen your ability to discern the difference.

1. Mindfulness Meditation
This practice is helpful because it teaches you how to observe your thoughts without judgment. In the story about the snake, there were three main thoughts that arose.

The thought, “You should be able to overcome your fear of snakes,” was generated by a judgmental Part of me. The word “should” is the giveaway. Any time a thought includes that word, it’s unlikely the thought is a form of Divine Guidance.

The thought, “You would be magnanimous if you shared your sit spot,” has a higher vibration than the judgmental thought, but it’s conditional. This thought implies I would only be worthy of the label “magnanimous” if I shared my spot. So that provided the clue that this thought also was not Divine Guidance, even though it comes from a more loving and inclusive place.

“I wonder if it’s time to move my sit spot” was the Divine Guidance I received. The Beings from the unseen realms aren’t permitted to interfere with our lives. They don’t give advice. But they might ask us questions to help us think about our choices. The thoughts that arise as a result of connection with the Divine help us to become curious.

2. Journaling
It can be helpful to keep a journal of your experiences. Pay attention to repeating patterns and themes that show up in your thoughts and in your life. What things tend to trigger unhelpful thinking for you, ie: “should” and labeling yourself? Under what circumstances are you able to tap into your intuition? Noticing these things will help you build your ability to create conditions that will help you connect with intuition and Divine Guidance.

3. Body Awareness
Another practice that helps you build your ability to distinguish between Divine Guidance and unhelpful thinking is body awareness. Pay attention to how your body responds when you are having thoughts. If you tell yourself you “should” do something, what response do you have in your body? People often report experiencing constriction and resistance. Also notice how your body feels when you’re tuned in to your intuition and Divine Guidance. People often feel a sense of lightness and ease. Journal about the differences you notice.

4. Emotional Intelligence
Building your skills in emotional intelligence can also help you tune into the distinctions between unhelpful thoughts and Divine Guidance. When you engage in unhelpful thinking, you may experience unwanted emotions such as anxiety, doubt, and worry. When you are connected with thoughts related to intuition and Divine Guidance, you are likely to experience a sense of peace, clarity, and/or alignment. Hone your ability to be aware of the emotions you are experiencing in the moment, or reflect on your day and notice what showed up for you.

5. Put your Guidance to the Test
Find a situation where the stakes are low and test out your Guidance related to the situation. For instance, ask your Guidance System to help you decide whether or not you should drive home the same way you usually do, or take an unfamiliar route. Pay attention to the response you get and act on it. See what shows up on the path your Guidance System helped you choose. What benefits were present? Also try ignoring your Guidance in a low-stakes situation and notice what happens. For example, you may run into twice as many red lights or get delayed by an accident ahead of you. Trying experiments like this on several occasions can build your ability to recognize and trust your intuition and Divine Guidance. I learned a great deal from my experience with the snake and the stoop, and luckily the stakes weren’t too high.

You may be wondering why is it so important for you to be able to know the difference between Divine Guidance and the unhelpful thoughts of your everyday mind. Being able to recognize and act on your Divine Guidance can make it much easier to stay on the path of your Life Purpose. Michael Jospe, a thought leader in nature connected coaching, compares the path of walking your vision to “The Razor’s Edge.” It’s easy to get pulled off course. But when you’re connected to your Divine Guidance, you’re likely to find that it takes less effort to accomplish your goals. You’ll probably have more momentum. And you’ll be more likely to make the wonderful impact you were put on this planet to create.

So go ahead. Practice noticing those Divine messages when they show up, even in opportunities where you’d least expect them. Remember the story about my “friend,” the snake.

ps: If you’d like help noticing and understanding the Divine Signs you receive, attend my Seeking Divine Guidance on-site Retreat on August 5th. Or, sign up for the Seeking Divine Guidance self-paced Retreat and practice group (attending the on-site retreat or self-paced virtual retreat is a pre-requisite) coming Aug 22nd.

The spot where my special log stoop was before the flood washed it away

Tamara HerlComment