Go Through the Gateway: Tap into Your Brilliance

You’re brushing your hair, while at the same time, you’re also mentally adding items to your grocery list. But ask yourself this: “Which part of me is managing the brush I’m holding?” Some people would say it’s your subconscious mind.

In this case, your conscious mind is focusing on your grocery list. You use your conscious mind to navigate your daily life: driving, cooking, doing your job. But have you noticed that even while doing those things, sometimes your subconscious mind takes over from time to time?

Your subconscious mind is like a reservoir—a vast pool of memories, emotions, beliefs, and experiences. Being able to dive deeply into those waters is important, because, while some of the behaviors it directs can be helpful, such as brushing your hair while you think about other things, other times your subconscious mind can wreak havoc for you.

This happens when a memory stored in your subconscious is connected with an unwanted emotion such as fear. So, if you have a fear of success, for example, when you take actions that will move you closer to success, your subconscious mind is likely to generate thoughts and behaviors that will sabotage your efforts.   

Much has been written about how to reprogram your subconscious mind, including the use of affirmations, visualization, subliminal messaging, meditation, and journaling. They key to all of this is to remember that the process takes time. Whatever method you choose, you must use it consistently, often over an extended period of time.

If you’ve tried using these methods and haven’t found success, consider reaching out to a qualified coach or therapist for assistance. It could be that you’re not able to move forward because there is a lesson to be learned from what you experienced. Or, you may have unhealed trauma that needs to be processed in order for the growth to proceed.

That’s not to say that you can’t continue exploring while you heal. Another powerful gateway that you can explore simultaneously is your superconscious mind.

People often use the image of an iceberg to describe the mind, noting that the conscious mind is like the part of the iceberg you can see, while the subconscious is like the part of the iceberg that’s underwater.

But what this metaphor neglects to address is what surrounds the iceberg above the water. There’s the sun, the trees, the animals, the entire cosmos, and the source of consciousness that created all of this. The vastness that surrounds the iceberg above the water is like your superconscious mind.

There are many different names associated with the superconscious mind. Some people call it the higher self. Others refer to it as the transcendent mind. It’s that connection to God, the Creator, or the Universe.

When you connect with your superconscious, you’ll have access to profound wisdom that will help you achieve higher levels of understanding about your own life and about all of life.  You’ll be able to get in alignment with universal truths like the “unity consciousness.”

Images of the superconscious mind often include a bright light. I associate it with brilliance. When you’re connected with your superconscious mind, you tap into a source of consciousness that sees your full potential—the brilliance that lies within you, and everything that you are capable of accomplishing.

Why is that important? Let’s go back to the phrase “unity consciousness.” Understanding this concept is crucial in today’s world for many reasons. When you embrace your connection to all life, you’ll think twice about littering, because you’re aware that because so many people have been doing this, many of our oceans are clogged with plastic bags that are harming the creatures that live there and in the long run, threatening our existence on this planet.

Some people find it too painful or overwhelming to contemplate these kinds of issues, but that’s where tapping into your superconscious mind comes into play.  When you connect with your superconscious, you’ll get divine downloads about specifically what is it that you are supposed to do to help solve our planet’s problems.
How do you do get access to these divine downloads?

Using oracle cards is one way to access your superconscious mind. When you form a question in your mind and then draw a card, the Universe helps you choose a card that contains information that will help you step outside your ordinary way of seeing and thinking about things.

Art therapy and forest therapy are also powerful tools that can help you Go Through the Gateway from ordinary thinking to access both your subconscious and superconscious mind.

With art therapy, the images you create can reveal both subconscious blocks and superconscious resources to help you overcome them. Indigenous people have known for eons that the Universe teaches, supports, and guides us through nature, so when you engage in forest therapy, your connection to the more than human world gives you access to that Universal consciousness.  

Whatever method you choose to explore, take time today to Go through the Gateway. Dive deep into the subconscious to heal what’s holding you back, or allow yourself to be drawn into the inspirational realms of the superconscious where you can access your brilliance.

The world needs your brilliance. And your brilliance is needed now.

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