Creating Miracles

If you knew you had the power to create a miracle, what would you create?


My husband was getting ready to attend a meeting that would impact his peace of mind and well-being for at least the next year. Twenty minutes before the meeting started, he realized he had the time wrong. We live 30 minutes from where the meeting was, so I knew it was time for a miracle. 


The building where the meeting was being held was in the heart of downtown.  Four times in the last month, we've had to go there, and three of those times, we had to park at least a block away.


Knowing all of these things, I started calling for miracles.  Out loud, I declared he would hit all green lights, find a parking spot right in front of the building. arrive safely, and on time.


When he arrived at the meeting, not only did he find a spot adjacent to the building, the parking meter had two hours of time remaining.  The person in charge of the meeting was running late, so he didn't miss a thing.


I'm not telling you this story to brag. I’m sharing it because you too have the power to create miracles.


During my training as both a therapist and a coach, I learned about "the miracle question.” It goes like this: "Imagine you go to sleep one night and when you wake up, a miracle has happened, and the problem that brought you here is gone. "

The client is then asked to describe what their life is like without the problem that had been present. “Who are you spending time with? What are you doing? How are you feeling?”

This is a great exercise, because it helps you realize that life can be different. You learn to focus on solutions instead of problems, and the kind of life you want. There’s just one problem.  It can feed a thinking pattern of hoping for miracles, which takes the power out of your hands.

Some people would say that my husband finding the great parking spot was just a coincidence. Perhaps it was.

But what if the power to create miracles really does lie in your hands? What if you and I have the power to co-create miracles with the Universe much more quickly and easily than we realize?

Try this exercise. Read the following sentence out loud and pay attention to what happens in your mind and your body: “A miracle has happened.”

Now read this sentence out loud and notice how your mind and body respond: “I co-created a miracle with the Universe.”

If you felt resistance to the second sentence, it’s probably due to the conditioning you’ve received throughout your life. And many metaphysical thought leaders contend that within our DNA, we also carry conditioning that our ancestors experienced.

This conditioning includes so many different things. One gender is better than another. One race is superior to others. Only certain people can perform miracles. And the list goes on.

If you felt resistance when you read the sentence about co-creating miracles with the Universe, it’s understandable. But that’s the status quo, and it’s time to move beyond that. Look around you. We need miracles in our world, and we need them now.

The ability to create miracles is also in our DNA. All we have to do is wake up that ability and then use it. Just as with the muscles in your body, with continued use, your ability to create miracles can get stronger over time.

So, I invite you to create miracles. Look beyond the fairy tales you heard as a child. You don’t need a magic lamp and a genie. Start small if you like. And make sure what you’re creating is in the highest good of all. Let me know what happens.

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