The Path of Least Resistance

Do you buy into the belief that the only way to get what you want is by working hard? If you’re feeling tired or burned out, it may be time to try something different.


Of course, you’ll have to put in effort in order to accomplish your goals. But the hard path is not always the only path to get there. Two of my favorite metaphysical teachers recently shared information about achieving your goals with more ease.


Colette Baron Reid offers a great class that teaches you how to use oracle cards. One of her beliefs is that you can invite the universe co-create with you, using the cards as a mode of communication. Reid says she learned how to tap into that power so that she didn't always have to figure everything else everything out on her own.

Patricia Cota-Robes has books, events, and vlogs designed to help humanity grow spiritually. At her recent World Congress on Illumination event, she spoke about the 12 strand DNA, which is a theory that says humans 10 extra strands of DNA that have been dormant until recently. Cota-Robles believes these extra strands have recently been activated.

What fascinates me about the concept of 12 strand DNA is the idea that within those 10 formerly dormant strands is information about latent abilities that can help us solve many of the challenges we face, not only in our own lives, but as a society.

So, if a person wanted to access the information in the extra strands of DNA so they could travel the path of less resistance, how would they go about it?

Some metaphysical teachers say you can help the information flow more easily by using sound frequency tools like singing bowls and tuning forks.

Others say the flow can be enhanced through good self-care, including getting adequate sleep and rest, and eating fresh, organic foods.

Why go to all this effort? Some theories say accessing the information that’s been hidden in the DNA can slow down the aging process, and diseases can be avoided or eliminated. It is also thought that there are mental benefits such as improved clarity.

Another proposed benefit of accessing the formerly hidden information is emotional. You might find it’s easier to control your anger, and that you’re less likely to engage in negative thinking. And then there are thought to be spiritual benefits as well, so perhaps you’ll find it easier to connect with your intuition.



Many metaphysical teachers believe that the new information in the DNA will be released slowly because if it were all released at once it would be too overwhelming for us to handle.


Is there a need for this new information to emerge? Take a look around you: you’ll see the harm that we have done to the Earth which is showing up as climate change, homelessness, and disease. You’ll see systems such as education, mental health, and medical care struggling.


So, I am all for helping to support this process of waking up our latent abilities and co-creating with the Universe to solve these challenges.

Yes, it may feel overwhelming to think about. But you don’t have to do it alone, and you can learn to take a path of less resistance when you access the tools and resources that are within and around you.

Colette Baron Reid’s website is

Patricia Cota Robles’ website is




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