The Magic of Manifesting

Have you ever wished you had a Fairy Godmother?
You know—like in the Fairy Tales—someone who can grant all of your wishes.
But what if you don’t need one?

What if it’s true that we were all BORN with the ability to manifest. Assuming this is true, why don’t we try to manifest what we want? There are three main reasons:
A. We think we’re not worthy
B. We think we’re not powerful enough
C. We don’t recognize that we are actually doing it—a lot!

If you’d like to get back on track with manifesting, or grow your ability to manifest, here are some tips to help you.

1. Cultivate Clarity
It's important to begin by setting an intention. The Universe is ready to help us, but we need to be specific about what you want. Imagine going into a grocery story without a plan. Maybe you’ve done this. You go in, and you end up buying a lot of things. But when you go in with specific items listed, many times you’ll save time and energy.

So do the same thing when you’re manifesting. Don’t just say,“I want a job.” Describe what you’ll be doing at your job. Who will you be you be working with? What hours do you want to work.

The more specific you can be about what you want to manifest, the more likely it is to show up, AND to show up in the way that you’re hoping for.

2. Demolish Doubts
Another important step in manifesting is to take a look at what your beliefs are.

Read the two sentences that follow, and pay attention to thoughts that pop up, and sensations you notice in your body.

You were born with the ability to manifest things. It’s your birthright.

What did you notice? Journal about and confront any limiting thoughts/beliefs that show up and might be blocking your ability to manifest.

A good question to ask yourself is “As long as what I’m wishing for does not harm any person or any life form on earth, and it doesn’t take away from the needs of others, why would it NOT be in the highest good of all for me to manifest?”

Once you’ve identified limiting thoughts around manifesting, create and use affirmations about manifesting daily. Practice suspending disbelief on a regular basis.

3. Wield your Wand
There are many different types of tools that can help you manifest, including gemstones, flower essences, and plants.

Crystals can be programmed to help you manifest things. They can also absorb your negative emotions/doubts, so it’s important to cleanse them often by running them under water, placing them in sun/moonlight, etc.

Gratitude is another important tool to use. When something manifests, tell the Universe, “Thank you! Please bring me more!”

Hopefully these tips will help you manifest your heart’s desires. If you’d like to receive a handout that spells out 8 tips for manifesting, you can click this link:

Happy Manifesting!!

Tamara HerlComment