What's the Big Deal about the 11/11 Portal? It's a Window of Opportunity

The upcoming cosmic portal on 11/11 is a window of opportunity for your spiritual growth.  

 If you're wondering why, read on.

Think of it this way. It takes a lot more energy to climb over a wall, than it does to walk through an opening in the wall.

The 11/11 Portal is like having a doorway into a higher vibration. And the doorway doesn’t stay open forever.

As a species, humanity is going through a big shift in consciousness. Metaphysical thought leader Patricia Cota-Robles says the shift is going to happen, regardless. The only question is, “Do you want to do it the hard way? Or the easy way?”

One of the things that can make the transition easier is to recognize and navigate through unconscious blocks and trauma you might have.

Tarot reader Kaye Herl says when you get a reading, the tarot cards work with your unconscious. In other words, you may be holding thoughts and beliefs that are in your subconscious mind that are holding you back. And because they’re in your subconscious, you're not even aware of them.  Getting a tarot reading from a skilled reader can help you become aware of those unconscious beliefs so that you can work through and release them. And then you increase the likelihood that you will thrive spiritually. 

Similarly, the Biogenesis tools that I use also can work with energy blocks that you are not consciously aware of.  I have had many people tell me that they thought they had dealt with an issue from their past, but when they received a Biogenesis DNA session, pieces of residue from that issue come to the surface to be healed. When unhealed trauma has been cleared, the body can relax, and the strands of your DNA can open up to abilities that are being re-activated..

According to Patricia Cota-Robles, eons ago, when we started misusing our spiritual gifts, many strands of our DNA were short circuited. It's as if a circuit breaker was flipped off. The abilities encoded in the DNA were still there, but they were made dormant because we did not have the spiritual maturity to use them properly. Now, however, they are being activated again. Most recently, humanity’s ability to transfigure, or make things more elevated, amazing, and beautiful, has been reactivated. This is happening so that we can transform the dysfunctional systems and structures in our own lives and in society that are causing harm and not functioning the way that they are meant to.

So, if you’re ready to thrive spiritually and help humanity do the same, take advantage of the opportunity on 11/11 to Pass Through the Portal!  Kaye Herl and I are happy to support you. We’re hosting a special in person event on 11/10/24 to help you prepare. You can register here: https://thewilddivinemeeting.as.me/PassThroughThePortal  or if you can’t attend the in person event, reach out to me at www.TheWildDivine.us  to learn more about booking a virtual BioGenesis DNA or Intuitive Tarot session.

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