Posts in Life Coaching
Pathways Out of Depression: Part 3-- Shifting Old Programming

In my last blog post, I talked about learning how to identify old programming—those thoughts you have in your head, and stories you tell yourself…sometimes without even realizing it. But, it’s REALLY important to start paying attention to them if you want to pull yourself out of the dark hole of depression!

Hopefully you’ve spent some time figuring out what those old stories are. In this post, you’ll learn how to stop being hooked by that old programming.

Maybe you’ve heard this joke:  You hear your neighbor‘s dog, Brownie, howling like crazy on the front porch. You ask your neighbor, “What’s wrong with Brownie? Why is she howling?” Your neighbor tells you, “Brownie’s sitting on a nail.” You ask your neighbor, “Why doesn’t Brownie move?” Your neighbor answers, “I guess it doesn’t hurt bad enough.”

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Pathways Out of Depression 2: Recognizing the Old Programming that Feeds Your Depression

If you’re feeling depressed, there’s a good chance that at least part of the reason is that you’re buying into Old Programming.

What do I mean by that? It’s a voice that tells you what to think and how to act. Sometimes you don’t even hear the voice, but it’s still what drives your behavior.

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Opening to More Love

What would happen if you focused on LOVE? For the next month, I invite you to find out, using my visual journaling process described below.

Each day, identify a challenge or desire in your life. Use my scribble drawing process to set an intention about  and invoke an Intuitive Image related to your challenge or desire.

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Journey Through the Darkness

One of my clients recently told me how distraught he is by the state of affairs in the US, especially with all of the politics related to the election. I told him the way I choose to view this is to believe that all of the darkness Humanity has created is now surfacing to be healed and cleared. 

There are so many things around and within us that need to be healed and cleared. If we try to fight or suppress them, it may feel like trying to hold a beach ball underwater. The more we push down, the harder the ball pushes back!

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Reinventing Yourself

There comes a point when you know it’s time to re-invent yourself. You might be feeling frustrated in a job where the system is highly dysfunctional, and you have ideas about how to make things better, but no one wants to listen. Or, maybe you’re in a relationship where you’ve been giving way too much of yourself, and you’ve lost track of who you really are.

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The "N" Word

I don’t agree with the old adage “Tis better to give than receive.” In my 25+ years of working with human service professionals including teachers, nurses, and therapists, I have seen too many of these helpers experience burnout. Many employers are only too happy to see their workers give 100%+ of their time and energy. But if you are giving 100% of yourself in the workplace, how can you have any energy left over for the rest of your life?

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Architects for Humanity

What things in your own life and in society bother you? 
What if the reason these things irritate you is because YOU are part of the solution?

Perhaps you are being called to become an Architect--not for a building, but for designing the very systems and structures that will create a foundation for the New Earth!

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The Role of Love

Today, I invite you to consider the role of Love in relationship to a particular challenge you are facing.

I recently asked a client who had been dealing with a challenge for several years, to imagine herself on a path. I asked her to picture what was standing between herself and what she is wanting. She told me that she saw herself standing in the way. This is often the case, and what we typically do is berate ourselves for not being who we need to be or doing what we need to do. But how well has that been working for you?

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Stand at the Portal

Last night as part of our Solstice Celebration, we made time for meditation. I had set an intention to receive Guidance about the coming year.

As I sat in the richness of the deep silence,  I saw myself standing at a portal looking out. A thought came to me: Changes will be happening very quickly. Stand at the portal and look out. At first, I wasn't sure what that meant. However, I've learned that my Guidance often comes in bits and pieces, so I wasn't too concerned...

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The Spider's Gift

I am finding myself spending as much time as possible outdoors these days, knowing that the warm weather won’t last much longer. As I stepped outside on our deck yesterday, I noticed a small spider, seemingly floating in midair. Upon closer examination, I realized it was suspended by a single strand of web. Our deck stands about 8 feet above the ground, and the height at which the spider hung suspended seemed to be another 5 foot higher than that. As I continued to gaze upward, I discovered that the web was connected to an overhead electrical wire several feet above the spider.

“How could a creature so small leap from such a great height,” I wondered?

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