Posts tagged Spiritual
When Perfection is Perfect

 Usually I discourage people from trying to be perfect. But in 2017, perfection is something I think we should strive for. I don’t mean perfection in the normal sense. What I mean is that it’s time for us to step up to the perfection of our full potential as co-creators on this planet.

Spiritual teacher Patricia Cota-Robles* talks about “patterns of perfection” that already exist, but just need to be manifested in our everyday lives.  These patterns relate to every area you can think of: better ways of offering mental and physical health care, communicating in relationships, parenting,  creating affordable housing, growing/delivering food, law enforcement, and much, much more.

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The "N" Word

I don’t agree with the old adage “Tis better to give than receive.” In my 25+ years of working with human service professionals including teachers, nurses, and therapists, I have seen too many of these helpers experience burnout. Many employers are only too happy to see their workers give 100%+ of their time and energy. But if you are giving 100% of yourself in the workplace, how can you have any energy left over for the rest of your life?

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Disobeying Fear

A lonely IT guy named Jason Comely got fed up after his wife left him and he realized he was afraid of rejection. So, he started getting rejected ON PURPOSE! He dreamed up a bunch of different ways he could get rejected and tried them out. By confronting his fear head on, he soon got to the point where he was no longer afraid of rejection. He even created a deck of cards called the Rejection Therapy game!  His game gave me the idea of creating my own cards.

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Stand at the Portal

Last night as part of our Solstice Celebration, we made time for meditation. I had set an intention to receive Guidance about the coming year.

As I sat in the richness of the deep silence,  I saw myself standing at a portal looking out. A thought came to me: Changes will be happening very quickly. Stand at the portal and look out. At first, I wasn't sure what that meant. However, I've learned that my Guidance often comes in bits and pieces, so I wasn't too concerned...

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