Posts tagged Fear
Journey Through the Darkness

One of my clients recently told me how distraught he is by the state of affairs in the US, especially with all of the politics related to the election. I told him the way I choose to view this is to believe that all of the darkness Humanity has created is now surfacing to be healed and cleared. 

There are so many things around and within us that need to be healed and cleared. If we try to fight or suppress them, it may feel like trying to hold a beach ball underwater. The more we push down, the harder the ball pushes back!

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Disobeying Fear

A lonely IT guy named Jason Comely got fed up after his wife left him and he realized he was afraid of rejection. So, he started getting rejected ON PURPOSE! He dreamed up a bunch of different ways he could get rejected and tried them out. By confronting his fear head on, he soon got to the point where he was no longer afraid of rejection. He even created a deck of cards called the Rejection Therapy game!  His game gave me the idea of creating my own cards.

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