Finding Guidance

Finding Guidance by Become Your Own Guru

Finding Guidance

If you’re like most people, life’s challenges can sometimes leave you feeling stumped. It’s like being in quicksand. The more you struggle to find your answer, the deeper you sink. Sometimes the solution comes from being still and surrendering to the fact that you need help. But how do you know where to look?

Guidance comes in many forms.

We can find it by tapping into our intuition. We can find it by seeking out advice from people we see as more enlightened than are we. And we can find it by connecting with the Divine.

Guidance can show up in unexpected ways.

Sometimes the Universe sends support in a manner different than what we were expecting. For example, last week I walked a labyrinth in Pueblo, expecting to tap into wisdom by sitting in the center and meditating. Instead, I found a surprising Mentor who modeled the Wisdom I was seeking.  Check out my Labyrinth Walk Vlog on You Tube to walk the labyrinth with me and meet my Mentor.

Acting on Guidance paves the way for more guidance.

Tuning into both internal and external Guidance is a skill or “muscle” that can be strengthened with continued practice and use. The more we use these skills, the more we train ourselves to notice and attract synchronicities. The Universe loves to support us in manifesting our heart’s desires, especially when they are connected to supporting the Highest Good of all!

Finding Guidance by Become Your Own Guru
Tamara of Become Your Own Guru