Posts tagged Hope
Maintaining Hope

Visual Journaling is an amazing tool to help you gain insight! I have had difficulty maintaining hope on a consistent basis, so I used this process to help me gain insight. I randomly colored lines and shapes on the page, added magazine images and other items that appealed to me, and then wrote about what I saw in my image. I was reminded that spending mindful time in nature and thinking about nature's cycles helps me feel hopeful. And the little round orange circles are "Bright Spots" that I'll look for every day.

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The Role of Love

Today, I invite you to consider the role of Love in relationship to a particular challenge you are facing.

I recently asked a client who had been dealing with a challenge for several years, to imagine herself on a path. I asked her to picture what was standing between herself and what she is wanting. She told me that she saw herself standing in the way. This is often the case, and what we typically do is berate ourselves for not being who we need to be or doing what we need to do. But how well has that been working for you?

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Disobeying Fear

A lonely IT guy named Jason Comely got fed up after his wife left him and he realized he was afraid of rejection. So, he started getting rejected ON PURPOSE! He dreamed up a bunch of different ways he could get rejected and tried them out. By confronting his fear head on, he soon got to the point where he was no longer afraid of rejection. He even created a deck of cards called the Rejection Therapy game!  His game gave me the idea of creating my own cards.

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