Posts tagged Depression
Pathways Out of Depression: Part 3-- Shifting Old Programming

In my last blog post, I talked about learning how to identify old programming—those thoughts you have in your head, and stories you tell yourself…sometimes without even realizing it. But, it’s REALLY important to start paying attention to them if you want to pull yourself out of the dark hole of depression!

Hopefully you’ve spent some time figuring out what those old stories are. In this post, you’ll learn how to stop being hooked by that old programming.

Maybe you’ve heard this joke:  You hear your neighbor‘s dog, Brownie, howling like crazy on the front porch. You ask your neighbor, “What’s wrong with Brownie? Why is she howling?” Your neighbor tells you, “Brownie’s sitting on a nail.” You ask your neighbor, “Why doesn’t Brownie move?” Your neighbor answers, “I guess it doesn’t hurt bad enough.”

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Pathways Out of Depression 2: Recognizing the Old Programming that Feeds Your Depression

If you’re feeling depressed, there’s a good chance that at least part of the reason is that you’re buying into Old Programming.

What do I mean by that? It’s a voice that tells you what to think and how to act. Sometimes you don’t even hear the voice, but it’s still what drives your behavior.

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Pathways Out of Depression Part 1: The Link Between Depression & Life Purpose

If you buy into what the entertainment media is selling, I’m guessing that you think depression is bad—something to be avoided at all costs.

If you will only:
* Take this pill
* Buy that car
* Wear these shoes that make your feet feel oh so good,
Then you can keep depression at bay.

But how much money do you spend each year trying to push depression away? Funny thing is, all of those fixes are only temporary. They don’t get to the core of what is making you blue.

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