Opening to More Love

Opening to More Love by Become Your Own Guru

What would happen if you focused on LOVE? For the next month, I invite you to find out, using my visual journaling process described below.

Each day, identify a challenge or desire in your life. Use my scribble drawing process to set an intention about  and invoke an Intuitive Image related to your challenge or desire.

After your image is complete, place your attention on your heart chakra and breathe deeply. Imagine that you can draw love into your heart and throughout your entire body. Ask your heart, "How can opening to more love help me right now?"

Sit quietly and notice the response you get. You may see images, feel sensations in your body, hear sounds, or just have a sense of knowing. When you feel ready, open your eyes and record in your journal what you experienced. Look for connections between your scribble drawing image and what you experienced during your visualization.

I would LOVE to see and hear about what you create! You can share your process and see what others have created by requesting to join the Secret Facebook group:  Become Your Own Guru Visual Journaling Group (only visible to approved members) 

Many blessings!

Tamara of Become Your Own Guru