Celebrating the Holy Days

Celebrating the Holy Days by Become Your Own Guru

Did you know that the original meaning of the word “holidays” was “holy days?” The silence of winter presents the perfect opportunity to revision the sacred tapestry of your life and goals. 

If you live in the Salida area, please join me Wednesday, December 21st at 7:00 p.m. for a simple ceremony designed to strengthen the Light within our hearts and minds. Together, we will engage in a Spiral Walk as we call upon the Creative Artist within to lift ourselves and humanity towards the highest potential.

Each participant needs to bring a votive candle in a clear glass container that is taller than the candle. After a brief opening, we will spend time welcoming the peace that can come from silence. In that space, we will engage in self-evaluation and visioning our path ahead. Participants will be invited to decorate the outside of their candle container to symbolize an intention and then walk to the center of the spiral, where their intention will be illuminated.

Following the ceremony, we will share a simple feast of finger foods provided by participants

Please rsvp to let me know whether or not you will be able to join us.

For those of you who don’t reside near Salida, consider hosting your own ceremony. I did this several years ago, and it was a powerful experience! 

And…may your Holydays be Magical and Blessed!

Tamara Signature Life Coach