How to Stand in Your Truth and Unplug from Mass Consciousness

In deciding what would be best for this month’s blog topic, I used my Shamanic Journaling technique, which involves setting an intention and then creating a scribble drawing. I asked for Divine Guidance to find a topic that could support those of you who follow my work.
     The image that emerged from my scribble drawing was a jelly fish. At first I was irritated, because it seemed so random. But then I remembered an adventure I had several years ago.
     I had developed adrenal fatigue, mostly because I was working in a job that was no longer a good fit for me. I was working with an acupuncturist who advised me to take two weeks off and go to someplace where there was an ocean.
     I was living in Kansas at the time. I didn’t feel like my finances would support airline tickets, so I decided to drive to Texas to the gulf. It was May, and when I got there, it was very hot and humid. I wasn’t too far from a beach, but when I tried to swim, the water was filled with stinging jellyfish.
     Everything just seemed wrong. A family member got sick from something they ate. There was a worm in the live broccoli I started to cook. I was sick of the heat and humidity.
     The words of my acupuncturist echoed in my head. She had said I needed to relax by the ocean. But I think she was speaking from HER truth, not mine. Don’t get me wrong. I DO love the ocean. But my truth, at that point in time, was that I needed to be in the cool air of the Colorado mountains. I needed to stand in MY truth.    

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It meant another 12-hour drive. But it was worth it. Once I saw the towering pines and felt the cool mountain air, I knew I’d made the right decision. It was like a balm to my spirit.
     How did I know what my truth was? Mostly, I trusted my intuition. The places in Texas that I had researched on the Internet looked good in the pictures. But once I got there, it just didn’t feel right. I had been a bit scared, because I’d never before driven that far, and to an unknown place, on my own. I was proud of myself for doing that. I thought about the time and money I had spent driving there. But I decided that sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move forward.
    In addition to standing in my own truth at that moment, I also had to unplug from mass consciousness. For me, unplugging from mass consciousness involved going against the advice of the medical professional. Like many Americans, I had bought into the belief that you must listen to and act on the advice of authority figures, such as doctors.

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I respected my acupuncturist’s medical knowledge. She had helped me find the source of the troubling symptoms I was experiencing. Luckily, she didn’t suggest a pharmaceutical drug as the cure. I wouldn’t have accepted that if she did. I prefer to use natural remedies whenever possible.
     For me, unplugging from mass consciousness involves looking at multiple sources of information and wisdom, and then choosing what resonates with me. I look at it like a smorgasbord.  I take what I like and leave the rest.
     When I think about how this story might support you at this point in time, there are two questions that come to mind:

What is a truth that YOU need to stand in right now?
What aspect of Mass Consciousness can you Unplug From at this moment?


We’ve been through some challenging times in the past year. And we’re not out of the woods yet. There are things about our society that are very dysfunctional, and you and I are the ones who can help set things right. So please, don’t wait until your body manifests an illness. Take time to reflect on a regular basis. What things in your life and in our society are bothersome to you? What are you feeling called to change? Listen to your Intuition. Act on what feels right, and leave the rest. And thank you for being willing to do this, because WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for!

Tamara HerlComment