Ready to help create the New Earth? These are the tools you'll need...

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Are you on a mission to transform something about your life or in the world?
A lot of times when we feel the call, we don’t take action because we feel like the challenge is too big, or we don’t know enough to make the change happen or work.

 Luckily, you don’t have to know it all, because there are SO MANY Beings that want to help you.
The Beings that want to help are streaming information to you in a lot of different ways, including 4 main Portals Art, Nature, Body Wisdom, and your Psyche.

The Universal information that comes through often shows up in the form of symbols and metaphors, partly because it is transmitted from different realms, and partly because you can be more objective about the information when it shows up in this way.

There are two important tasks involved in tapping into Universal Guidance. The first is to
connect to a portal. The second is to decipher the messages that come through.


In order to explore how the Universe streams information to you through portals, go out in Nature and spend time deeply observing and connecting with something from Nature, such as a tree, a rock, or perhaps a bird. Pay attention to what you notice about the element of Nature, as well as what shows up in your body. Invite what you have chosen to share a message with you about how you can help create the New Earth.

To help you get more information about what the Beings from the Unseen Realms are sharing with you through the portal of  Nature, you can use a process I’ve developed called Shamanic Journaling. Messages have multiple layers of meaning, and you can explore these layers using my process so you can apply the message to your life and begin working to create the transformation you want.

One simple Shamanic Journaling process is to write about what you like and notice about the nature item you chose. Let’s say you chose a pine cone. You could write that you like the way it has a variety of different colors. You could write that you notice it has places that are very sharp. Next. imagine that what you wrote is about you, not the pine cone. How does what you wrote describe qualities you can use to help create the New Earth? The Universe may be telling you to show your many colors, and to be able to make your point when you need to!

Even when armed with the support of Universal Consciousness, a challenge that people often encounter when they work to create changes in their life and in the world is knowing how to cope with their own Shadow behaviors and limiting beliefs.  We tell ourselves that we don’t know enough, or that the problem seems too big. We wait for someone else to solve the problem.  But, WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for!

One of the best ways I’ve found to deal with the limiting beliefs that get in the way when we want to take action is a process called Parts Work.

What do you think some of your limiting beliefs are?
How do they cause problems in your life?
What has happened when you tried to push past them?

Sometimes, no matter how badly we want to take action, we just can’t do it. Our Shadows and limiting beliefs are very powerful, and it takes a lot of effort to push past them. When we use Parts Work, we get buy in from our Shadow parts. We learn to understand why they do what they do. Usually it’s because they are protecting a Part of us that got wounded or really struggled in the face of a challenge earlier in life.

All of us are born with different parts, including an internal Spark of the Divine that encourages us to continually expand until we achieve our potential and live our life purpose. With Parts Work, you learn how to connect with your internal Divine Spark so you can uncover the Parts of you that hold the limiting beliefs and learn how to heal and let go of the unhelpful beliefs and behaviors. Until you heal those internal Parts, it’s really difficult to make the kind of impact that you want to in the world.

To connect with your Divine Spark, think of a time when you had clarity and compassion. When have you felt creative? When did you find the courage to take action? These are some of the ways you know you’re connected with your Divine Spark.

Take a few moments now to meditate with the intention of connecting with your Divine Spark. Invite it to share something you can do to help create the New Earth.

I’m on a mission to support people like you who want to help create the New Earth, so I’ve created a virtual class. In the class, students learn how to connect with the Portals of art, nature, body wisdom, and the psyche so they can access the Universal Guidance that’s available to us all so we can help create the New Earth!

How do you know if you need the support my class offers? Take a look at the list below. It includes qualities that are present for people who are well equipped to help create the New Earth. Using a scale of 1-5, with 5= This describes me most of the time and 1= I rarely do this, rank yourself on each of these 5 items. Then tally your score.

_____You are noticing things about the world that need changing

_____Instead of feeling like what needs to change seems too big/overwhelming, or not knowing where to begin, you know that you have Universal support AND access to higher levels of consciousness. The steps you need to take are revealed, and you find solutions you never would have thought of on your own

_____ You are connected with like-minded people, doing things that bring you joy and support humanity

_____ You know how to work with your Divine Spark to heal your Shadow Parts

_____ You recognize in the moment that a Shadow Part of you has been activated, and you quickly and easily tap into your Self and discover a way to respond that is in your own & others' highest good

How did you do? If your score isn’t at least a 20, you could definitely benefit from my class, because it can help you embody these qualities more fully. I’m doing a pilot version of Module 1 in November, and the full length course will start in January, 2021. There are only 8 spots available for each, so sign up today to reserve your spot!


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Tamara HerlComment