Buoyancy of the Human Spirit
It’s time to rise up in Love!
You know how when you push down on an inflatable pool toy and it pops back up to the surface? That’s what the human spirit reminds me of.
We can get pushed down by events of life and yet usually there is something within us that wants to rise to the surface again.
I’ve been thinking about that lately when I see what’s happening in the world. People are rising up, sometime in anger or fear, but they don’t want to be held back or held down.
Often we fight against the pressure that pushes us down, and rightly so. We don’t want to have our freedom taken away, nor do we tolerate injustice. And yet, in order for us to rise up, we must first become aware of what is not right—of what we will not allow to continue.
Some people refer to the things that prompt us to rise up as the “darkness.” It does seem that we are experiencing a lot of this right now. Yet I have to wonder if the reason we are seeing and experiencing the darkness is because we are being called to rise up.
If we feel distraught by what we see around us, what if it’s a call to action? One of my clients told me recently they were hoping a visionary person would show up and provide some answers. I asked them, “What if the visionary is you?.”
I think one of the reasons we don’t take action is because the problems around us seem too big. Yet, if each one of us takes action in our small corner of the world, together our actions will make a difference. And we don’t have to take to the streets in protest.
One of the most powerful and effective ways for us to rise up today is to remain focused on love. If situations in the world continue to get worse, this may become even more important. It is incredibly easy to slip into fear or anger. Try not to beat yourself up if this happens. Based on what we’ve experienced in the past, this is a normal response. The key is not to ACT from that state of fear or anger.
I find it incredibly helpful to pause and breathe. Complain to a friend or family member if you must. But try not to respond from that place of unrest. Go for a walk. Do some journaling. Ask for guidance. Sleep on it.
If you’re able to allow some time to pass, chances are that you’ll be guided to rise up and respond from a place of higher vibration—from a place of love. If you resonate with this practice, I hope you’ll remember it and try it in the weeks and months to come, because we may be in for a bumpy ride.
And remember to see the unraveling of our society for what it is: a chance to rise up and become stronger, more loving, and more empowered from a place of love as we create a New Earth.