Lion's Gate and Sacred Heart Clearing and Activation
The Lion’s Gate is a perfect time to release what’s holding you back and step into your power!
Enlightened people like you have been hit especially hard by the effects of the reported global pandemic. Stay at home orders have "forced" us to take a very close look at many things in our lives, including our relationships, our careers, and our belief systems.
During this time, you may have encountered what Swiss psychologist Carl Jung calls your "shadow." It's that part of you (and there may be more than one) that you don't like. It causes problems for you at work and home by stirring up thoughts and behaviors that aren't in alignment with your True Nature.
One blessing of the pandemic is that you may have taken more notice of social structures around you that seem broken. You might have felt called to try to help "fix" what's broken, but your Shadow keeps you feeling small by telling you, "Who am I to fix this? There are other people who are more qualified...etc."
But guess what. You ARE qualified. The circumstances you've experienced in your life up to this point have shaped you perfectly to help. YOU are the one you've been waiting for. It's time to step into your power and become part of the solution.
Being mindful of The Lion's Gate is a perfect way to be part of the solution. Each year in August, we get bombarded with Spiritual Light from the star Sirius. This year it's especially important to take note of this Light, because when we work with the Light, we can create a tipping point to help humanity bounce back from the effects of the pandemic and transform.
If you'd like to link spirits with like minded Souls who want to be part of the solution, join us on Saturday, August 8th at 2 pm Mountain Time, I'll be leading a special live Sacred Heart Clearing and Activation session on my YouTube channel: Become Your Own Guru coaching for this live activation! I hope to see you there.