What Are You Feeling Called to Transform?
What bothers you the most might be what you are being called to transform
What’s bothering you about the way things are in the world today? What seems broken?
COVID 19 has forced many of us to slow way down and take a look at what matters most to us. We’ve had to cut back on things that we’ve taken for granted, like socializing and having the freedom to go wherever we want.
This has been hard for a lot of people, but it seems there have been blessings, as well. In the space that was created by not doing so much, many of us have realized how hectic and crazy the pace of life really was. And we began to take more notice of the structures and systems around us that aren’t working well, like access to health care and equal rights.
I started thinking about these concepts more than 10 years ago. My Guidance told me that I should help people transform what’s not working in the world. When I talked to people who resonated with the idea, they seemed to be struggling. They felt like they didn’t know enough, or have enough energy or money or time to make a difference. They were letting the Voices of Doubt hold them back.
The state of the world today feels like a call to action, despite the doubt. Because, imagine what will happen if each one of us takes responsibility for a small part? And what if we have access to personal and cosmic Guidance that can help us connect with ways of knowing, tools for getting re-energized, and pathways to abundance so we can make begin to fix what’s broken?
You may be thinking, “How can I know what my role is in all of this?” Below are some practices and tools that can support you.
A good place to begin is by paying attention to what bothers you the most. Also, consider what you’ve had to let go of? And what do you want more of for yourself, your family, and humanity?
Once you get clear about what area you’re being called to transform, the next step is to get Guidance about how to move forward. Many people get the support they need by tapping into their Intuition.
If you have trouble accessing this, try keeping an Intuition Journal. Keep track of the times you follow your Intuition and it works out well. And consider the reverse: write about times when you DON’T listen and what happens then.
Another way to tap into Guidance is through your Creative Self. Make art, listen to music, or dance. When you engage mindfully in these activities, you get into a flow state that’s beyond the ordinary realm of existence. New thoughts and ideas may come into your awareness and provide insight.
Body Wisdom is another portal for accessing Guidance. If you have pain in your shoulder, have a conversation with the pain. Ask what it’s trying to tell you. Ask it what it needs.
Spending time in Nature is another great key for unlocking the Guidance that’s available to help us transform the world. Find a place outdoors you can visit regularly. Sitting by the same window each day will work if you don’t have access to private space outdoors. Sit and observe what happens. Wait for a story to unfold. View the story as a teaching tool, and ask how the lesson can help you get what you need in an area where you’re struggling.
I’ve been using these practices for years in my own life, and to help clients clear away the voices of doubt so they can live their purpose. I know how effective the practices can be. And with the state of the world today, I’m feeling an increased sense of urgency to share these tools on a wider basis, so I’m creating an online course called “Portals to Guidance.” I’ll be offering a pilot version of the course starting in mid-August, so if you’re wanting support in transforming your corner of the world, feel free to visit my website for more details.
I hope you’ll pay attention to what’s bothering you about the state of the world. And I know you can find a way to take action. In the words of a Hopi Elders’ Prophecy in June, 2000, “We are the one’s we’ve been waiting for” and now is the time to begin!