Letting Go and Calling In

As we enter this brand-new year, there’s an important question to consider:
What is the biggest thing you need to let go of at this moment, to create more space for what is longing to emerge in you, your vision, and your life?

Consider self-judgment.

Of course, judgment is necessary to keep us in line with our values and morals. But I’m talking about when you judge yourself for mistakes you’ve made.

It’s easy to judge ourselves for failing to measure up to expectations that we have of ourselves. But what I realized as I engaged in reflections last night, is that a much more helpful attitude to embrace is compassion.

What if you had compassion for yourself for doing the best you could at that time, with the resources that you had?

And how would it feel if you also embraced patience, with the sure knowledge that it takes time for every goal, and every vision to fully emerge and unfold?

So, if you didn’t quite hit the mark with a goal that you set or a vision that you had, instead of judging it and yourself as a failure, what if you expressed gratitude for what you learned?

Once the releasing feels complete, there’s an important second step: Calling In.

Your mind and your energetic self can be like a container. If the container is full of judgment, there’s little room for anything else.

So, now that you’ve created more space, what would you like to fill it with?

Consider opening your heart and asking the Universe to help you expand your ability to see and understand yourself and the beautiful gifts that only you can bring to this planet.

The Earth herself and all of her inhabitants will be blessed as you share your gifts.

So again, I ask. What’s the biggest thing you need to let go of? And what will you call in?

Tamara HerlComment