Breaking Through—An Art Immersion Practice to Help You Manifest Your Vision

Have you ever encountered what felt like a big obstacle along the path of manifesting your vision?
Many people have reported experiencing this. Here is an exercise that can help.

1. If the obstacle were something from nature or something that humans have made, what would it remind you of?

2. Using art supplies, create an image to represent the obstacle. For example, you could cut bricks out of construction paper to create a wall, or use markers/oil crayons to draw a volcano.

3. Journal with and about your image:
What could the obstacle be trying to teach you, or how might it be trying to serve you?
If you encountered an obstacle like this in real life, how would you respond?

4. Go out in the world and find something that resembles the obstacle. Ie: stand in front of a brick wall and notice how it feels and what thoughts come to mind.

Once a client told me her obstacle felt like a tree stump. She said, “Those are almost impossible to move and SO hard to get out of the ground. It takes a lot of work.”

She then went for a walk and encountered a tree stump that was very old. “I could have kicked it over easily,” she said.

This experience taught her that the obstacle she was experiencing would be easier to manage  with the passage of time.

If you’ve encountered an obstacle that seems to be holding you back in living your life purpose, I hope you’ll try using this practice. If you do try the exercise, I’d love to hear how it goes for you.

This exercise is one of the experiences we’ll be exploring at the virtual retreat on February 4th.

What else would you like to see happening at Wild Divine Retreats this year? Please take our 10 minute survey to let us know!

Tamara HerlComment