Sacred Bowl Process

I recently sent out my monthly Words of Wisdom coaching tips/quotes e-mail to the wonderful people who have signed up to be part of my list. 

In it, I describe a process designed to help people be open to Divine Guidance and Flow. 

The purpose of this blog is to show you one way to create your own Sacred Bowl.

Sacred Bowl Creation Process

Find a bowl with a shape you like. Cover the outside of it with aluminum foil.

Sacred Bowl Creation Process

Mix tacky glue with water until it's the consistency of melted ice cream.

Sacred Bowl Creation Process

Cover the surface of the foil with glue, and then with tissue paper.
I tore my paper to create soft edges.
Use tissue paper that "bleeds"  (available through art supply catalogs) if you want the colors to blend together. The colors will look milky until the glue dries. 

Sacred Bowl Creation Process

Let the glue dry completely, and then remove the  tissue-covered aluminum bowl from the mold.

Next, place your tissue bowl INSIDE of the  bowl form. Repeat the same process of coating with glue & covering with tissue.
Enjoy your beautiful, one-of-a-kind bowl! I think the aluminum foil makes it look as if Light is shining through.