Be a Part of the Evolution

Be a Part of the Evolution by Become Your Own Guru

In human history there has been a continuous and growing impulse toward the regeneration and transformation of humanity. —Barbara Marx Hubbard. 

Senseless acts of violence like public shootings paint a picture of the worst of human nature. 

There are so many emotions that run through us in the face of this tragedy…horror, sympathy, and perhaps even a sense of hopelessness. 

Yet, what if we choose to see this event as an opportunity to continue our efforts towards transformation.  It is obvious that the need is still there. Each one of can do our part, whether it be large or small.  

How can we help?

Here is a simple Guided Imagery exercise you can use.

Breathe into your heart.
Feel it opening to the Light.
Sit quietly until an Image emerges in your mind.
Converse with the Image and you will find an answer.

With Hope for Humanity,

Life Coach Tamara Signature