Winter Solstice--A Time to Reflect

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The Winter Solstice marks the return of the Light. It’s the longest night of the year, and a perfect time to reflect about how you want to show up in 2020. How do you want to Shine your Light?

I asked myself this question several years ago while meditating outside of an indoor labyrinth at a Winter Solstice celebration I was hosting. I was surprised by a couple of things. First of all, I usually find it hard to sit still while meditating, but I was able to sit quietly for about 15 minutes. The room was dark and quiet, and I felt peaceful. I pondered the question, “What should my life path should be?” and waited.

Eventually, what I heard, was, “Stand at the portal and see The Light.” I was excited by the message. To me, The Light symbolizes The Divine. I love finding ways to be connected with Divine Wisdom., and I felt the message was telling me that there would be a meaningful opportunity to connect with Universal Wisdom.

The next part of our celebration involved going to the center of the labyrinth to meditate. As we walked to the center one by one, we took a lit candle and sat in the center. When it was my turn, I sat and opened my heart to receive whatever wisdom the Universe wanted to share.

To my amazement, I heard the message, “Stand at the Portal and BE the Light.” I was stunned. This felt even more deep and powerful than the first message. I felt that I was being asked to serve as a Guide to help them create pathways so that they could See and Be the Light as well.

Since that moment, this is what I have tried to do, through the coaching sessions that I have offered, and now through Forest Therapy and events at Wild Divine Retreat Center.

I hope that you will find wonderful ways to connect with Divine Wisdom on the Winter Solstice this weekend. Please join us at my retreat center if you can, or create your own special celebration!

May you be well, and may you See and Be the Light!