Are You Making the Kind of Impact You Want?

On a Scale of 1-10 How confident are you that you’re making the kind of impact you’re meant to make?

If your number is anything less than a 7, there’s a good chance that you could have some Internal Obstacles that are getting in the way of you making the kind of impact you want.

Working on building your confidence is helpful. But another important way of coping is to identify and transform your internal obstacles.

Step 1 Get clarity about the impact you want to make. Write it down, using descriptive phrases.
Step 2 Identify your limiting beliefs. State your desired impact out loud. Notice any thoughts, body sensations, images, and emotions that show up. These are generated by internal Parts of you that, for some reason, may not buy into what you’re trying to do.

Step 3 Think about those you intend to serve and how much they need you/the change. Make it about them. Try to make the voice of your Passion louder so it can be heard above any inner criticism and doubts you may have.

If you are ready to take this deeper, join us for Owning Your Vision, a virtual retreat March 4th. You can read more and sign up here:

Tamara HerlComment